Which Fertility Drugs are Usually Most Successful
Which Fertility Drugs are Usually Most Successful
Medication often forms part of the treatment plan for women struggling with infertility. Relevant medications range from oral drugs like Clomid, to drugs that target specific diseases, to injectable fertility hormones. Below, we will take a look at some basics about the most successful fertility drugs.
List of Most Successful Fertility Drugs
1. Clomid
Clomid is an oral medication that is very successful in producing ovulation in women who ovulate irregularly or who do not ovulate, as well as producing superovulation in women who do ovulate regularly, by acting on the pituitary gland. Many of these women go on to become pregnant through timed sex or intrauterine insemination (IUI). Clomid should not be taken for more than 3 cycles because of its potential to build up in the body.
2. Femara
Femara is an oral medication with similar mechanisms to Clomid, and has several advantages over Clomid. It can be taken for more than a few cycles at a time, and is often more effective in women suffering from insulin resistance than Clomid is. Although it is new in its use for infertility, it has been used in the treatment of breast cancer for years.
3. Disease-Targeting Drugs
A significant number of women have a specific medical condition that contributes to their infertility, and which can be addressed in part or in whole through the use of medication. For example, hypothyroidism can result in infertility, and adequate thyroid hormone replacement can help ease infertility. Similarly, insulin resistance (a symptom of PCOS and of diabetes) can worsen infertility, making medication such as Metformin, and sometimes insulin, necessary.
4. Injectable Gonadotropins
In terms of their ability to induce ovulation and result in pregnancy, injectable gonadotropins are the most successful fertility drugs. These drugs are identical to the natural fertility hormones produced by the body, such as estrogen, progesterone, leutinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). A combination of two or more of these medications is typically used during IVF.Although injectable gonadotropins are the most successful fertility drugs, they are also by far the most expensive, and have the highest risk of side effects. Therefore, doctors often - but not always - recommend trying other treatments before turning to these powerful medications.
Dr. Randy Morris would be happy to help you find successful fertility drugs that work for you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call IVF1 at (630) 357-6540.
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