Gestational Surrogacy
Surrogacy and gestational carrier options towards making informed choices for a family of your own.
What is Gestational Surrogacy?
Gestational surrogacy is a form of surrogacy where the surrogate, also known as the gestational carrier, carries a pregnancy for someone else but is not genetically related to the baby.
What is a Gestational Carrier?
A gestational carrier is defined as the use of a third party female to provide a uterus to carry a pregnancy until delivery. The embryos are created without any genetic contribution from the carrier. Typically, at least one of the gametes (sperm or eggs) is from the intended parent(s).

gestational Surrogacy IVF Procedure
Surrogacy uses a straightforward IVF cycle. The gestational surrogate takes fertility medication to stimulate the ovaries, and an embryo is created using the gamete(s) of the intended parent(s) and transferred into the uterus of the surrogate.
Gestational Carrier Pregnancy Rates
The chance for success is dependent mostly on the intended parents and not on the carrier. It is presumed that an acceptable carrier candidate has been found. The age of the partner who provides the eggs is of utmost importance. In addition, the number of embryos transferred, the ovarian reserve and whether fresh or frozen embryos are used are all important considerations.
Surrogate candidates and screening
The ideal gestational carrier (surrogate) is under 30 years of age, in a stable monogamous relationship, who has their own children and a history of pregnancies with vaginal births and no complications.
These recommendations are to maximize the chances of delivering a healthy child and lessening the risk of other legal issues.
A surrogate can be someone who the couple had a relationship with beforehand or someone from a surrogacy agency. A sibling or friend is usually a better choice if possible.
Gestational Carrier Screening
A surrogate should undergo the same testing as the person who has infertility. This includes testing of ovarian reserve, uterine cavity assessment, and testing for transmissible diseases. In addition, testing for common genetic mutations and a chromosome analysis is reasonable.

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Gestational Carrier: Legal information
In general, a gestational carrier is less risky than surrogacy because the couple intending to produce a baby are usually the genetic parents. Historically, there have been less issues with gestational carriers than with surrogates. The Illinois Gestational Surrogacy Act applies only to gestational carriers. The law excludes surrogates.
Breaking down the Gestational Surrogacy Process
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Morris
With the direction of Dr. Morris, the intended parents may complete their necessary testing.
Per FDA regulations, each partner who contributes gametes is considered a donor and they must complete testing to minimize the risk of infectious disease transmission. If the donors do not pass testing, they may not be allowed to use a gestational carrier.
Testing includes:
- Completion of questionnaire by both partners
- Physical exams for both partners
- Blood testing for both partners
- Urine or cervical cultures
- A second set of questionnaires and blood and urine tests will be completed after medication treatment has begun. Those who fail the second tests may not be allowed to use a gestational carrier.

Identify a potential gestational carrier
The carrier should have their OBGYN complete an obstetric certification letter and submit it to us. This letter states that their doctor has reviewed their medical history, performed an examination, and has determined that they are an acceptable candidate to become pregnant.

After the Procedure
Mental health professionals for the intended parents and gestational carrier must complete a mental health certification letter and submit it to us.

Retain an attorney who specializes in reproductive law

Finalize and execute the carrier contract

Complete & send Attorney Certification Letter
The attorneys for each side must complete and submit an attorney certification letter stating that the carrier contract has been executed in accordance with Illinois state law.

Complete all testing as directed by our office.

Schedule A Consult Appointment
Schedule an consultation appointment with our office. Be sure to specify that you are a gestational carrier and tell us the name(s) of the intended parents.

Consent Forms
Sign consent forms for the gestational carrier cycle.

Medication Treatment
Medication treatment may begin.