What Does Egg Freezing Cost?
What Does Egg Freezing Cost?
When a women wants to freeze her eggs for future family planning purposes, she will undergo a conventional In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Cycle to grow multiple egg follicles. After her eggs are surgically retrieved, a woman’s eggs will be frozen. At some point in time in the future, she will decide to have a baby and begin building a family. Then, the woman’s eggs will be thawed and fertilized with sperm – embryos will be developed in a laboratory setting – for eventual transfer to her uterus. A baby can be conceived!
Egg Freezing Costs
Today’s Millennial woman has the option of preserving her fertility for the future. She can have peace of mind knowing egg freezing via IVF – oocyte cryopreservation – is no longer considered an experimental procedure according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM.
- Pregnancy rates using frozen eggs are comparable to success rates through IVF using fresh eggs
- Studies have shown no evidence of increases in chromosome abnormalities, birth defects, or developmental defects in babies born from frozen eggs
At the preeminent fertility preservation center – IVF1 founded by Dr. Randy Morris – the cost of undergoing the egg freezing process can be approximated as follows:
- IVF Cycle – with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) = $25,000
- Egg Freezing = $300 flat fee for an average of 3 to 4 eggs
Be Proactive in Preserving Your Egg Quality
The poor quality of a woman’s eggs are frequently the cause of her inability to get pregnant – especially when she is in her advanced maternal years – over the age of 30. The quality of a woman’s eggs are the most important factor in her pregnancy success.
Egg Quality and Pregnancy Success
High quality eggs are necessary for a woman to produce strong embryos having the ability to implant in her uterine lining and develop into a healthy fetus. Embryos must be high quality – STRONG – to survive the early stages of implantation in a woman’s uterine lining. Only high quality embryos will sustain fetal growth within the woman’s uterine lining and develop into a full term, healthy baby.
Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR) and Egg Quality
Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR) is the most common cause of infertility for women over 30. The poor egg quality of eggs is the most common reason a woman has difficulty conceiving or sustaining a full term pregnancy without medical treatment. Because fewer eggs remain in a woman’s ovaries as she ages, her fertility declines naturally over time. There are blood tests available to determine a woman’s ovarian reserve reflecting her age-related fertility potential.
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels are tested between the 2nd and 4th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
- An elevated FSH level could be indicative of a low chance of pregnancy.
- Anti-Mullerian Hormome (AMH) levels are also be tested as a means of determining a woman’s present ovarian reserve.
- A low AMH level could be indicative of DOR.
- A high FSH level does not mean that a woman has no chance of conceiving.
- Likewise, a low AMH level does not conclude a woman cannot conceive.
A transvaginal ultrasound can be performed to determine a woman’s ovarian reserve and arrive at an Antral Follicle Count (AFC). An AFC is a test wherein all follicles in both ovaries are counted by the Doctor during the first four days of a woman’s cycle.
Candidates for Egg Freezing Via IVF Cycle
Egg freezing is the latest, modern family planning option being popularized and sought out by:
- Today’s Millennial women who are focused on their education and career opportunities
- Today’s modern woman whose circumstances in life are not presently conducive to rearing children
- Women who have not be able to find their life partner
- Women who are facing cancer treatment – chemo or radiation – that could damage the quality of their eggs and/or destroy their ovarian function
- Women who are undergoing IVF – have produced excessive eggs – and do not want to dispose of their unused eggs
- Women having religious or ethical concerns over freezing embryos
- Women soldiers who are in danger of combat-related injuries or chemical exposure causing infertility
A woman’s egg (occyte) quality declines over time with her age, unlike a woman’s uterus, which can achieve pregnancy into her 40’s and 50’s.
- The quality of the eggs produced by a woman’s ovaries peaks between the ages of 16 to 28 – prime reproductive years
- Between 29 and 35 years of age, a woman’s eggs remain at an acceptable quality to achieve pregnancy – mid-reproductive years
- A woman’s egg quality diminishes greatly between the age of 35 and 44
Egg freezing is an option available to those hopeful parents wanting to ensure they have the ability to be biologically connected to their children in the future, while at the same time postponing pregnancy during a woman’s prime childbearing years.
IVF Cycle and Fertility Preservation Via Egg Freezing
At IVF1, the egg freezing process entails:
- The stimulation of a woman’s ovaries with hormones to produce several eggs
- The harvesting of these eggs from the woman’s ovaries
- The freezing of these eggs for preservation
- The future thawing and fertilization of these eggs to produce viable embryos
- The ultimate transfer of the viable embryos into the woman’s uterus in order to achieve pregnancy
How it is done.
- The female patient is administered a series of hormone medication injections to stimulate the growth of multiple egg follicles in her ovaries.
- The development of the patient’s egg follicles are monitored with regular blood level hormone measurements and pelvic ultrasounds.
- When the Doctor determines the egg follicles have reached a prime stage of maturity, ovulation will be induced via hCG injection administration.
- The patient’s eggs are surgically retrieved by the Doctor using a transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration tool while the patient is under general anesthesia.
- After retrieval, the eggs are frozen through a vitrification process and cryopreserved in a controlled laboratory setting.
Vitrification – Rapid Egg Freezing Method
Vitrification is a cutting edge method of freezing eggs after they have been surgically retrieved. A cryoprotectant is used to protect the biological tissues in the egg from ice crystalization damage before the egg is immediately plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. The vitrification process significantly increases the survival rate of eggs after the thawing process. Pregnancy success rates have been increased through the process of vitrification at IVF1, according the Dr. Randy S. Morris.
Renowned Egg Freezing Provider
Dr. Randy Morris – founder and Medical Director of IVF1 – is renowned for establishing one of the first egg freezing programs in the Chicago regional area. Dr. Morris spearheaded one of the nation’s first fertility preservation programs specifically designed for U.S. Military soldiers – SoldierCryo™ Military Fertility Preservation.Discover more about the benefits and cost of freezing your eggs for future family planning. Dr. Randy Morris invites you to meet with him personally at the Naperville Fertility Center. You can also consult with Dr. Morris through a secured Infertility Video Consultation.To schedule a consultation, please call 630.357.6540 – or – click the icon below and download a recently published eBook by Dr. Randy Morris for more information about fertility treatment options.
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