Understanding the IUI Procedure

Dr. Randy Morris

Understanding the IUI Procedure

Dr. Randy Morris

When a women in her prime reproductive years has been unable to get pregnant after having regular, unprotected sexual intercourse for one year, her doctor may recommend Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Also known as artificial insemination, IUI is a proven method of increasing a woman’s chances of conceiving a baby. Dr. Randy Morris – founder and Medical Director of IVF1 has compiled some facts to enhance your understanding of the IUI procedure.

IUI Procedure

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is commonly prescribed as a first option for women in their prime reproductive years who have been unable to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. Typical candidates for IUI are women not suffering from severe tubal blockage or abnormal uterine cavity. IUI is a recommended infertility treatment protocol for couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility. IUI is also an effective treatment for couples who have sexual dysfunction or infrequent intercourse. This could be due to either medical or nonmedical reasons.After her menstrual cycle has been regulated, a woman is administered a prescribed regimen of Clomid – alone – or Clomid in combination with a low dose of Gonadotropin (FSH/LH) injections during her cycle to stimulate egg follicle growth.Once the Doctor has determined the prime time to induce ovulation of the multiple egg follicles developing, the patient will be instructed when to administer an hCG injection – the ovulation trigger medication.

  • On the day of the schedule IUI procedure, a sperm specimen will be produced and prepared – or, frozen donor semen is being used – thawed and prepared
  • After the semen specimen is prepared, a highly concentrated amount of sperm is inserted into the woman’s uterus using an insemination catheter
  • Usually 2 X IUI inseminations are performed after the HCG ovulation release injection – between 12 and 36 hours after administration – to increase the chance of conception
  • IUI substantially increases a woman’s chance of getting pregnant because a highly concentrated amount of morphologically normal, mobile, and active sperm are placed directly into the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation

IUI Doctor to Help You Understand the IUI Procedure

For over 20 years, Dr. Randy S. Morris – founder and Medical Director of IVF1 – has provided his patients with cost effective IUI resulting in successful pregnancy. IUI is performed within the comfort and warmth of IVF1’s inviting patient rooms in the brand new Naperville Fertility Center. Long distance patients can consult with Dr. Morris via a secured Online Video Consultation. Call IVF1 today for a consultation with Dr. Morris at 630.357.6540.