Not Ready To Start a Family? Learn About Egg Freezing Costs
Not Ready To Start a Family? Learn About Egg Freezing Costs
Right now, you are making things happen in your life through education, a budding professional career in Corporate America, or maybe a start-up business of your very own. Wherever your dreams, talents, and ambitions are leading you today . . . you are definitely not ready to start a family any time in the foreseeable near future.
Egg Freezing Benefits for Millennials
According to Dr. Randy Morris – founder and Medical Director of the celebrated IVF1 fertility center – egg retrieval and freezing is the new and innovative method of family planning for today’s Millennials. America’s resourceful and talented women are increasingly delaying motherhood beyond their prime childbearing years because they:
- Desire to pursue the furtherance of their education and careers, and/or
- Want to find an optimal partner before starting a family
Cutting edge techniques implemented in the retrieval, preservation, and freezing of a woman’s eggs have recently resulting in high success rates for future pregnancies. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) considers egg freezing to be a standard practice of care. Egg freezing is no longer considered an experimental procedure.
Learn About Egg Freezing Costs
Egg Freezing is not expensive when considering its advantages toward future family planning for young adults in today’s competitive economy, according to Dr. Randy Morris. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) gives today’s Millennial women the option of surgically retrieving and freezing her unfertilized eggs for a future family.America’s resourceful and talented women are increasingly delaying motherhood beyond their prime childbearing years because they want to:
- Pursue the furtherance of their education and careers, or
- Find a suitable partner to start a family.
Depending upon recommended ancillary procedures available in conjunction with the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Procedure, egg retrieval costs average between $20,000 and $25,000. Egg Freezing Costs – for 3 to 4 eggs retrieved in a typical procedure – amounts to a $300 flat fee at IVF1.
Egg Freezing Beneficiaries
Egg freezing is an option available to future parents:
- Wanting to ensure that they have the ability to be biologically connected to their children in the future, and
- Postponing pregnancy during a woman’s prime childbearing years.
Preeminent Egg Freezing Provider
Dr. Randy Morris invites you to meet with him in person at IVF1 in the Naperville Fertility Center to discuss your future family planning options through egg freezing technology. You can also schedule your personal consultation via Skype or Infertility Video Consultation with the Doctor. Dr. Morris is looking forward to using his egg freezing expertise to help you plan your future family. Click below to schedule a consultation or call directly – 630.357.6540.
Learn How To Maximize Your Chances Of Conception
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