Egg Freezing vs. In Vitro Fertilization
Egg Freezing vs. In Vitro Fertilization
The quality of a woman’s eggs determines her ability to get pregnant. This is true whether she intends to freeze her eggs to preserve her future fertility or immediately fertilize them for transfer in a fresh IVF Cycle. Whether in the present, or in the future, high quality eggs are necessary for a woman to produce strong embryos having the ability to implant in her uterine lining and develop into a healthy fetus. Embryos must be high quality – STRONG – to survive the early stages of implantation in a woman’s uterine lining and develop into a full term, healthy baby.
Egg Freezing for Fertility Preservation
The quality of the eggs produced by a woman’s ovaries peaks between the ages of 16 to 28 – prime reproductive years. Egg freezing is the latest, modern family planning option being popularized and sought out by:
- Today’s Millennial women who are focused on their education and career opportunities
- Today’s modern woman whose circumstances in life are not presently conducive to rearing children
- Women who have not be able to find their life partner
- Women who are facing cancer treatment – chemo or radiation – that could damage the quality of their eggs and/or destroy their ovarian function
- Women who are undergoing IVF – have produced excessive eggs – and do not want to dispose of their unused eggs
- Women having religious or ethical concerns over freezing embryos
- Women soldiers who are in danger of combat-related injuries or chemical exposure causing infertility
Egg freezing is an option available to those hopeful parents wanting to ensure they have the ability to be biologically connected to their children in the future, while at the same time postponing pregnancy during a woman’s prime childbearing years.
The Egg Freezing Procedure
The egg freezing process entails the majority of the same protocol as that of the conventional IVF. Except – after surgical retrieval – the woman’s eggs are not fertilized in vitro. Instead, the eggs are immediately frozen through vitrification for future fertilization and transfer.
- The stimulation of a woman’s ovaries with hormones to produce several eggs
- The harvesting of these eggs from the woman’s ovaries
- The freezing of these eggs for preservation
- The future thawing and fertilization of these eggs to produce viable embryos
- The ultimate transfer of the viable embryos into the woman’s uterus in order to achieve pregnancy
Egg Freezing via IVF
Every Thursday afternoon, Dr. Randy Morris hosts the new weekly Infertility TV via YouTube to answer questions about infertility. Long distance patients can consult with Dr. Morris through a secured Infertility Video Consultation. Or, schedule your in-person consultation by calling 630.357.6540.
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