Can IVF Be Successful with Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Dr. Randy Morris

Can IVF Be Successful with Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Dr. Randy Morris

In many cases, having an irregular menstrual cycle means that you are not ovulating on a regular basis. Lack of ovulation is a major cause of infertility. As long as a woman has egg reserves, it is likely that she will respond to the fertility drugs given during IVF. Thanks to the use of fertility drugs, IVF with irregular cycles is successful in many cases.

About Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Most menstrual cycles last between 21 and 38 days, from the first day of bleeding one month to the next. If menstrual cycles are shorter or longer than this, or vary by more than two weeks in length, they may be considered to be irregular. Menstrual cycles are often irregular because of hormonal abnormalities that affect ovulation, and many women with irregular cycles do not ovulate on a regular basis.Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) often menstruate very irregularly, and it is frequently difficult for women with PCOS to get pregnant. Endometriosis is another possible cause. In many cases, the cause of irregular cycles is not known, but infertility is still pregnant.

IVF with Irregular Cycles

For women with irregular cycles, IVF is performed using injectable gonadotropin hormones. These hormones are given on a particular schedule, and are designed to override the body's usual hormonal production. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is given to cause multiple egg follicles to develop, while additional medications are given to prevent ovulation. Once the egg follicles are mature enough, a "trigger" injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG) is given, and the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries for use in IVF.Many women with irregular cycles respond well to gonadotropins, even if they have not had any regular menstrual periods for some time. Prior to an IVF cycle, the physician will evaluate whether or not the woman has good egg reserves, which is done by using an ultrasound to determine how many egg follicles are developing. Women without good egg reserves may need to consider alternatives, such as the use of donor eggs.

Although IVF with irregular cycles can be successful, each case is unique, and there is never a guarantee of success with any fertility treatment. A fertility expert can help determine which treatment is right for your infertility. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call Dr. Randy Morris at (630) 357-6540.