How To Properly Monitor Your IVF Due Date Calculator

Dr. Randy Morris

How To Properly Monitor Your IVF Due Date Calculator

Dr. Randy Morris

While the calculation of your In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) due date can be done manually, you will find a variety of resources online making the calculation automatic for you. Look for an IVF due date calculator allowing you to choose between a 3 day embryo transfer and a 5 day embryo transfer. Using the age of your embryo – as well as the date of transfer – will provide you with the most accurate IVF due date.

IVF Due Date Calculator

Calculating your IVF due date is much more accurate than estimating a natural conception due date. With IVF, a more precise IVF due date calculation can be made because you will know the exact date of your embryo transfer. Not only can you calculate your due date or if you’re having twins or triplets, you can also calculate your baby’s prenatal development based upon trimester dates and pinpoint your prenatal testing dates.Check out this complimentary IVF Due Date Calculator.The average gestational age for a baby at the time of birth is approximately 40 weeks from the date of the mother’s last menstrual cycle.Some basic IVF Due Date Calculator guidelines:

  • 40 weeks is only an estimated gestational age because babies can be born within a 30 day window of this date and be healthy
  • Normal term gestation is generally recognized as between 37 and 42 weeks
  • Only about 10 percent of mothers actually have their babies on their calculated due date

Most due date calculators will determine your baby’s birth date based upon:

  • The first day of your last menstruation cycle
  • The day you ovulated
  • The day you were inseminated via IUI
  • The day your eggs were retrieved via IVF
  • The day of your embryo transfer

Other due date calculators will provide detailed information such as:

  • Due dates for multiple births (twins, triplets)
  • Trimester dates
  • Prenatal testing dates

IVF Due Date Calculator Specialists

Learn more about how to properly monitor your IVF Due Date Calculator by contacting the fertility experts at IVF1 in the brand new, state of the art Naperville Fertility Center. Click the icon below to download your free eBook Guide To Fertility Treatment courtesy of Dr. Randy Morris - or – call 630.357.6540 to schedule a consultation.